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Combining Finances to Prevent Divorce

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

8 Tips on how I set my marriage up for success, relationally and financially!

The Reason for Most Divorces

Back in 1989, when my husband and I got married, we combined our finances because I enjoyed numbers and I will admit, I was a bit of a control freak.

Little did we know that we were making one of the best decisions for our marriage.

It forced us to adopt a WE mindset instead of a ME Mindset.

Unfortunately for many families, finances is the number one reason for divorce.

The great news is that, it doesn’t matter who the breadwinner is if you’re operating from a WE mindset.

By doing so, you encourage growing together.

It forces you to communicate your dreams, share your fears, and set goals TOGETHER.

Here are 8 Tips for you and your spouse to get on and remain on the same page financially:

  1. Start by tithing 10% from the beginning. This is a practice you will need to adopt that will feel difficult when you begin, but trust me when I say, if you can’t give 10 cents from a dollar, you certainly won’t give $1000 from $10,000. It has proved to be true over our lifetime, the more we give the more we receive.

  2. Save 20% of everything. Put this money aside and begin educating yourself on investment vehicles. A great place to invest that traditionally has the lowest fee load is Index Funds. It allows you to invest in the top US companies and the fund adjusts to reflect the growth of the top producing companies.

  3. Budget 30% towards your rent or mortgage. If you’re paying over $1500 in rent, consider buying a home using an FHA loan. With as little as 3.5% of the total price, you can put your money towards an asset that will hold its value and appreciate over time.

  4. The remaining funds should be set aside to cover utilities, phone, and insurance and taxes if you have a home.

  5. Agree that any purchases over a certain dollar amount will be discussed before purchasing.

  6. Determine how often you plan to reference the budget. We referenced it regularly to make-sure we were both in alignment with our goals and savings objectives. I recommend doing so monthly. Celebrate your accomplishments and milestones along the way.

  7. Keep a Go Book which references your credit cards, banking accounts and financial investments. This book is something you would grab in the event of a fire or leave with your spouse of family member in the event you’re traveling together. Be sure to include information pertaining to your estate trust and lawyer.

  8. Last, include your partner in all investment decisions so in the event one of you passes away, the other can operate your household from a place of knowledge. It is best to be proactive instead of reactive.

While these practices won’t guarantee a successful marriage, it will force communication which in turn will provide clarity and avoid misunderstanding in the long run.

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